Eduardo Teixeira Farah
Eduardo Teixeira Farah
Practices – Aeronautics
Consultant in the areas of Aeronautics Law, graduated in Legal and Social Sciences at the Faculdade de Direito da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (1997), completed the postgraduate course in “Economy and Enterprise Law”, from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (1999), completed a master’s degree in business law and Regional Integration at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2003). Practice law for more than 20 years as legal advisor and litigation assistant, working in the business area in various industry segments, involving disputes in environmental law, labor safety, acquisition, procurement, contracts with the public administration at renowned law firms in Porto Alegre and Sao Paulo. Consolidated his knowledge in the aeronautical sphere by working at EMBRAER negotiating national and international contracts, structuring and advising negotiations on sales, buybacks, financing and aircraft leasing operations in the domestic and international markets. He has lectured in several areas of Business Law and Contracts at ULBRA, UNIRITTER, UNIVAP, FAAP universities and, currently, in the postgraduate course in Aeronautical Law at the Center for Law and Business Studies – CEDIN (BH). President of the Aeronautical and Aerospace Law Commission of the Rio Grande do Sul Bar Association Section.
Fluent in English.